L’antifascisme face au djihadisme

Lothar Galow-Bergemann

en allemand

Traduit de l’allemand par SOLITUDES INTANGIBLES

[Preface du traducteur:]
Les mouvements et mobilisations antifascistes accordent en France peu d’intérêt aux phénomènes djihadistes. Au sein des discussion antifascistes, la focalisation sur l’instrumentalisation de la question du djihadisme par les discours et dispositifs racistes, l’attention portée à la nécessaire déconstruction de la figure de l’ennemi intérieur musulman et à la place de celle-ci dans la gouvernementalité anti-terroriste laissent peu de place à la réflexion sur la réalité du djihadisme comme fait social et politique. Par ailleurs, la tendance à vouloir identifier dans les groupes sociaux subalternes des sujets révolutionnaires potentiels, combinée à une compréhension instrumentale du fascisme qui appréhende uniquement les mouvements fascistes du point de vue de leur utilité pour la mise en œuvre des projets hégémoniques des classes dominantes, amène l’antifascisme à ignorer le rapport entre fascisme et les tendances autoritaires du sujet du capitalisme en crise ainsi qu’à sous-estimer la propension au fascisme dans l’ensemble de la population, y compris au sein des classes populaires. Le texte de Lothar Galow-Bergemann propose de revenir sur ces angles morts de l’antifascisme en insistant sur la nécessité d’une compréhension et d’une lutte contre le djihadisme sur la base d’une théorisation adéquate du rapport entre fascisme et capitalisme. Weiterlesen

What is Anti-Imperialism? Notes on the decline of the Left

by Emanzipation und Frieden (Emancipation and Peace)

Thanks to korynmalius for the translation  (Original in deutsch)

In 1910, Finance Capital: A Study of the latest phase of capitalist development, by Rudolf Hilferding, was published. The author was a member of the SPD and became finance minister, in 1923 and again in 1928/29. In 1916, Vladimir Lenin, who was to be the leader of the Russian October revolution, wrote Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism. This text founded what we know as Marxism-Leninism, it was the essential source of Soviet foreign policy, and serves many anti-imperialists, even today, as a basis for their political views. Weiterlesen

Thank you dear Americans. And please stay another 70 years.

June 6th 1944 – June 6th 2014 – 70 years D-Day


in german

Dear Americans,

On June 6th in 1944 your soldiers landed at Normandy. Together with your allies, against the fierce resistance of the Germans, you put an end to National Socialism, the Shoa and the war of annihilation. Later you took care for democratic structures in western Germany. Without your victory the world would be more like a graveyard now.

But dear Americans, please don‘t believe that the people in Germany are very fond of you for that. Germans might be leftists, Christians or Nazis – but most of them agree in one point: they despise you. They might claim that they just criticize your policy but you can forget about that. Weiterlesen

What is regressive anti-capitalism? Notes on the difference between critique of capitalism and critique of capitalists

by Emanzipation und Frieden (Emancipation and Peace)

Thanks to korynmalius for the translation 🙂 (Original in deutsch)

Since 2008, the crisis refuses to go away. The idea of an eternally prosperous market-economy is dead and gone, and so is the “critique of capitalism”. But, unfortunately, something lurks under this title: resentment. This is also true for part of the Left, who, although—I will grant you this—at least it fights the populist slogans about “those lazy Greeks who wait for our hand-outs”, in other respects is in the same category as what you can hear down the pub. Weiterlesen

True and False Causes of the Financial Crisis

Englische Übersetzung der Rede von Lothar Galow-Bergemann zum Neujahrsempfang der Aktion 3. Welt Saar am 23. Januar 2009, erschienen am 27. Juli 2010 auf der Seite von Baltimore IMC

The jubilant singing about free enterprise as the supposedly best of all worlds sounds much quieter than at the beginning of the 90s. Capitalism produces crises, wars and catastrophes. We urgently need alternatives. This is now a matter of survival. Weiterlesen